Get ready for more awesome birds. I thought when I started the first bird post that I had found every gorgeous, amusing and unusual bird in existence. So we are now hundreds of bird images later, with the 7th bird post. I’m beginning to think there is no end. And that doesn’t count the posts about individual bird species, like: Bower Birds, and my favorite, the Blue Footed Booby.
Because this series includes so many spectacularly artistic photographs, I really regret when I can’t find the photographer to give proper attribution and thanks. Don’t miss the videos at the end, especially the baby bird camouflaged as a caterpillar. If there are ads with the videos, it’s an unavoidable new policy by youtube, not by me. Enjoy.

Altia, a 7 week old Siberian Eagle Owl, the largest species of owl in the world meets Powys, a 5 week old Little Owl. The pair are being raised at The Scottish Owl Centre.
Do you, like me, ever wonder if some of these birds are too weird, too cute or too colorful to be real?

A mutant parakeet with long curly feathers. If you don’t believe this one is real, check out the video at the end.
To find out more about these fascinating weavers, go here.
Nestlings of the Laniocera hypopyrra bird are orange with long hair-like strands that end in white tips and have a resemblance to a hairy caterpillar. In addition, they move their heads slowly from side to side in an unusual way. This is thought to enhance it’s camouflage by resembling a moving caterpillar.
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Here’s a peak at what this “caterpillar” baby bird looks like when Mom is near and it’s safe.
[embedplusvideo height=”584″ width=”584″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=mkRmMQ-xBuo&width=584&height=584&start=368&stop=400&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep2084″ /]
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In this video about birds stealing stuff, I’m not sure if I believe the one about the cell phone. Do you think it could be real?
[embedplusvideo height=”584″ width=”584″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=p3UE1XZDlSU&width=584&height=584&start=&stop=135&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep1406″ /]
Finally, this for anyone who thinks Penguins are cute and who just wants to watch a video about amusing penguin goofs.
[embedplusvideo height=”584″ width=”584″ editlink=”″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=2uNY6F5-N9I&width=584&height=584&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep9680″ /]
For more bird posts on this site, go here.
Thanks to: Kathleen, Tim and Jen H.
Again, another beautiful collection of bird photos. Love it!
Thank you,,,for the most beautiful pictures, I have ever seen,,,I look forward to your email, and Im never disappointed,,,nature, is beautiful,,our creator is an artist,,,
Absolutely heartwarming and sweet. Love all the pictures
VERY GOOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep ’em comin’
Absolutely breathtaking – God Bless !!
Only God can create such beauty !!
Simply beautiful and amazing shots of some fantastic birds I have never seen.
Wait till you see how God paints these birds Master of Creation…
fabulous. I had never thought that these birds exist.Beautiful and fantastic lovely colors only HE can create. Home building activities of weaver bird is unbelievable. thanks for sharing.
Absolutely wonderful
Unbelievable photos and the timing to catch some of these shots is unreal. I, also, do photography and I’ve always said, ” You have to be out there to get these kind of shots.” If you’d like you can check out my husband’s and my photos At: I really enjoyed the collection of bird photos you put together. I’ll, definitely, forward this website
my favourite is the indian roller bird with the prize…..! Lovely, keep them coming…..
warmly, francis, Bangalore. india.
I’m in awe of these amazing birds–incredible colorings–they just take your breath away. Thank you for this delightful way to start the day. Yes, it is hard to believe that some of the birds are not photo-shopped because they are so exquisite. Thank you, Dusky!
extraordinary. just wish they all were identified
I wish they were all identified too and I welcome anyone who recognizes one that is not labeled to share the info with everyone.
absolute magic. Thank you for the awe…and laughs.
You can do image searches on both Google and Tineye to search for the original photographer to give credit and provide links to their site. It’s a little more difficult for example in the case of the Pink-necked Green Pigeon which shows up over 700 times. It most likely was shared either on a stock website or just on someone’s Flickr or Pinterest and then was passed around and never credited. Perhaps one day there will be a way to include authorship in the file (that already exists) and it will remain when shared online so it’s much easier for anybody who wants to find the artist/author/creator.
Great gallery, thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the idea, though as you say, it can be overwhelming. Plus, often I don’t know what the picture is showing. I’d love it if there was a way to have the owner of the image in the file.
Again, another fabulous email. As an artist, gardener and nature lover, I find your emails worth watching over and over again. Not only are they entertaining, but very educational. Can’t wait for the next one.
Always Great Thank you for such wonderful photos
The one between the baby american bittern and the (what I’m guessing are) wood ducklings falling from their nest is a european starling photo that’s had the colors edited.
Thanks for the info.
A: No ofcourse cranes don`t fly with their legs hanging down. They only lower them when landing. You can see some of the birds flying normally in the background of the pic.
B: The weavers are NOT “saving a baby”, eventhoug it does sound cute. It`s more like a fight over the right to the nest
Best wishes from Denmark