These gorgeous pictures are about both the artistry of the photographer and the content of the image.  And it’s more than frustrating that for so many of them, I don’t know who the photographer is.  Still, they are too wonderful not to share.

Please don’t skip the amusing video near the end:  NATURE   You might have to watch it twice because you don’t want to miss the footnote-like words floating like the warning on a typical ad.  A slightly longer video of seven minutes by master photographer Louie Schwartzberg is worth the time.  Given as a TED talk, he demonstrates speeding up nature with time lapse photography, slowing it down with high speed cameras, peering into the minute with electron microscopes so powerful you can see DNA and even carbon atoms.  Enjoy.

This striking image of a man feeding swans contrasting snow and water, man and swans was taken in Krakow, Poland. The black and white effect provides a perfect balance. By Christopher Jobson.

This striking image contrasting snow and water, man and swans was taken in Krakow, Poland. The black and white effect provides a perfect balance. By Christopher Jobson.

exqui image via Terriexqui image, via murray

By Rick Parchen

By Rick Parchen

By Debs1968

By Debs1968

exqui image via ocslexqui ima, AN AIRPLANE CROSSES THE MOON, maybe, vai car.

Cranes at Hula Valley nature reserve, Israel by Gal Gross

Cranes at Hula Valley nature reserve, Israel by Gal Gross

Chicago skyline

Chicago skyline

The Chicago skyline from Indiana.

The Chicago skyline from Indiana.

exqui images, by Magic something escapes on image.

By Kah Kit Yoong

exqui images via george

A submarine surfaces through arctic ice.

A submarine surfaces through arctic ice.

exqui image, via bored panda

Dead Vlei, Namibia: withered trees hundreds of years old anchored in a white-clay pan, standing in striking contrast to an intensely colored, towering sand dune - by Carsten Kruger

Dead Vlei, Namibia: withered trees hundreds of years old anchored in a white-clay pan, standing in striking contrast to an intensely colored, towering sand dune – by Carsten Kruger

Claustral Canyon- Australia

Claustral Canyon- Australia

 Loch Ness, Scotland by Jan Michael Hosan / fotogloria / LUZ

Loch Ness, Scotland by Jan Michael Hosan / fotogloria / LUZ

Namibia by Marco T.

Namibia by Marco T.

exqui image via Murray

Li river, Chinaexqui image, via nat geo

Musicians Arriving at the Bullring, Quito, Ecuador, by Raul Amaru Linares

Musicians Arriving at the Bullring, Quito, Ecuador, by Raul Amaru Linares

Cherry blossom tree at the Fuji volcano

Cherry blossom tree at the Fuji volcano

Evolution of the New York skyline.

Evolution of the New York skyline.

Borrowdale Valley, Lake District, UK by Verity Milligan

Borrowdale Valley, Lake District, UK by Verity Milligan

Lake District, UK by Verity Milligan

Lake District, UK by Verity Milligan

Lake District, Verity MIlligan

Lake District, Verity Milligan

 Ullswater, Lake District, UK, Verity Milligan

Ullswater, Lake District, UK, Verity Milligan

exqui images, via john 2exqui images, via car.nature via john 13

Aerial photograph. String bogs and coniferous forests in autumn in the Muddus National Park. Lapland, Sweden by Orsolya Haarberg.

Aerial photograph. String bogs and coniferous forests in autumn in the Muddus National Park. Lapland, Sweden by Orsolya Haarberg.

Mt. Fuji from above

Mt. Fuji, Japan from above

by Matthew Saville, Camping on the Diving Board, Yosemite, Calif, USA

by Matthew Saville, Camping on the Diving Board, Yosemite, Calif, USA  Don’t miss the tent.

By jaythegardener on Flickr

By jaythegardener on Flickr



The Perseids meteor shower

The Perseids meteor shower

By David L. Librie, Quebec, Danada

By David L. Librie, Quebec, Danada

by Aaron Groen

by Aaron Groen


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For more exquisite images on this site, go here.

Many thanks to:  Terri, Murray, Carolyn, George, Anita, John, Jen C.

And to:  National Geographic, Bored Panda, Louie Schwartzberg, Verity Milligan

14 thoughts on “Exquisite Images, 5

  1. What beautiful fascinating pictures. I enjoy and look forward to all of your postings. Please keep up this wonderful work.

  2. I cannot say enough about the joy your photographs give me. They also put me in a different world and I forget my problems.
    Thank you.

  3. never cease to amaze me, these pictures are really a bonus. i try to pass it along to everybody i know

  4. Photography is amazing. These are fabulous images. I particularly loved the cherry blossom tree.


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