If you have been following this website for awhile, you will probably recognize some of these images of kids. To me, all repeats found here are worthy of a second viewing, plus there are plenty of new ones. And this first gif is among my all-time favorites. If only we could all enter each moment with the same concentrated dedication to spontaneity, appreciation and fun. Enjoy.
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Thanks to: Shira, Claire Elizabeth, Jen H, Kathleen
Such heartwarming photos – thanks Dusky, these are lovely!
These are absolutely splendid — they lift my spirits & make my ❤️ smile! You have such a unique talent for capturing the very essence of a moment — innocent, earthy, raw,
funny, poignant, memorable, & especially REAL. Thank you for adding a glimmer of warmth & humor to my day!
Delightful! Absolutely! Loved it. Smiling, even giggling.
Just wonderful I loved them. As I do all of your ..Dusky’s Wonders
AWESOME. Just the best at capturing precious moments.
So cute…
So innocent…
sat down truly weary. Suddenly I was not. How sweet!
In each frame the innocence of the young one oozes out. It is amazing the animals sense and reciprocate with the children . Yes you are right one can keep on seeing these many times. Thanks for sharing.
Marilyn, I’m so happy you enjoyed these and I feel you appreciated my effort to find un-posed, genuine moments with kids (not easy on the internet. So many posed.) BUT I want to be clear that I do not take these photos, I just find them and put what touches me up on my site.
Age of innocence…..enjoyed the pix…..Thank you…..
Thanks Dusky, I love all your pictures and videos. They give me an “aawww” or a smile on my face. Keep up the great job with all your fantastic Wonders.
Watching these wonderful pictures has just been the best way to start my day – thank you
Yes, you are right one can keep on seeing these many times. Priceless photos. Thanks so very much in sharing once again.
absolutely delightfully charming and unique. your photos inspire me to paint and most definitely make my day.
Hepsi mutluluk verici güzellikte….
Oh, if we could enjoy life as the little guy was enjoying each and every little puddle of water! He was having fun and at the same time accomplishing his duty “Walk the dog.” Thank you again for sharing………………
Love it. It really put a smile on my face.
As always, these were amazing! Thank you so much for your dedication and commitment to this website- it always puts a smile on my face!
These are extraordinary pictures that I enjoy watching and they made me laugh. Thank you.
As so many others have iterated: Thank you!!