In case you’re complaining about summer heat, here’s a reminder of another reality.

Floating iceberg, Greenland


Frozen Multnomah Falls, Oregon, US



Icebreaker, Saint Laurent in Resolute Bay, Nunavut Territory, Canada

Plitvicka Jezera, Croatia

Glacier Bay, Alaska, US

Stevens Point, Wisconsin, US

Cracks in ice, Abraham Lake, Alberta, Canada by Chip Phillips

Ice Canyon, Greenland

Cleveland Harbor lighthouse, Ohio, US

Glacier Bay, Alaska, US

Pleneau Bay, Antarctica by Sander Klaassen

Cactus, by Jandksmith

Two feet of snow in New York City, US

spiral iceberg, Antarctica

Great Wall of China

Outdoor jacuzzi on the Matterhorn, Switzerland

West Village, New York City, US, by Julie Rose Sews


Winter art

Zao Onsen ski resort, northern Japan

Looks like a painting on a Christmas card

Thanks to Sam Pryor at Pinterest.  I confess, I lost the info of another person who had many wonderful snow and ice images at Pinterest.  I think I’ve learned to be more diligent in saving the names of those I’d like to appreciate.

12 thoughts on “Snow and Ice

  1. Beautiful Dusky: Every thing came trough with great brilliance and no annoying third screens. Thanks for sending it is just breathtaking. Tim

  2. Wow! Those are all so wonderful/breathtaking/gorgeous/scary!
    Its hard to imagine it being so cold with the weather we’ve been having, although it finally starting to cool down here in Indiana.

    I think my favorite’s the house with ALL THAT SNOW! it looks like someone put a rather large dollop of whip cream on top…


  3. Pingback: Случайная radness Vol.44 | WasBigBoss

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  5. Don’t cry over the cold wind and ice. Let your soul warm your brain which will then activate your thyroid, which will rev up your fat metabolism, which then will perk-up every neuron in your sensory processing projection cortical sheets so that your entorhinal cortex will explode all your emotive and cognitive brain areas that in turn will zap-on your sympathetic nervous system so that you feel oh so warm inside as you stare at the beauty that snow and ice alone can produce!


  7. Wonderful way to begin the day! The next best thing to being there. Long live old man winter!

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