It’s been awhile since the last bird post, and I’m pleased that there seem to be endless species of birds  and endless amazing photographers who capture the beauty or the moment that amuses.

Raggiana Bird of Paradise from Washington Post

Purple-Crested Turaco by Peter du Preez on Flickr via Fiorino


Ostrich with chicks by Artbandito on flickr

How about we switch from beautiful birds to stunning photographers that manage to  capture the exact right moment.

By @Charlie Davidson

By mustanggordon on flickr

Pedestrians in the street after a flood in the UK

Please notice there are two birds in this picture. Amazing.

By Owen Deutsch

Totoro, the Owl, with his mushroom.

Now it’s time for some quirky-looking birds.

(c) Arthur Morris

Crested ducks

lilac breasted roller

The Cardinal Gynandromorph. This bird is real. I checked.   It exhibits both female and male sexual characteristics. As different sexes are differently coloured, each half of the bird is a different shade.

More photographic magic.

As an evening storm lights up the sky near Wood River, Nebraska, about 413,000 sandhill cranes arrive to roost in the shallows of the Platte River.  By Randy Olson via National Geographic.

From National Geographic by Zsolt Kudich

Close up of peacock feather.

If you want to spend the rest of the day looking at wondrous birds, go here.

Thanks to:   Sam, Wim, Jen H., John, Anita, George, Kathleen

Also to:  Yesemails, Flowartstation, and Babamail.


25 thoughts on “Birds, 9

  1. Please let us know when a photo has been changed artificially!
    You do a gross disservice to those photographers who show the
    true marvelous reality of these birds. I feel very strongly about this,
    having been a photographer before these false images were possible.

  2. Don’t know how to adequately thank you for consistently raising my spirits with your posts!

  3. Each one of your presentations is more amazing than the previous…..they really make my day! Keep up the good work and thank you!

  4. As always, every picture is a work of wonder, beauty and design.
    Looks like God new what He was doing when he made all things.
    I loved them all. Nancy

  5. Stunning I adore all birds .Wonderful to see this .
    Thank you once again for all your emails …

  6. Thank you Dusky for your time in putting this video together and gratitude to the kind, talented photographers who shared their pictures. They are a treasure to me.

    So breathtaking beautiful, and a joy to know these birds exist in some parts of the world. I am excited to see an Anna’s Hummingbird that has drifted during migration. 🙂

  7. Great photography, stunning beauty! My favorites were the peacock and the owl under mushroom. All were great! I am so pleased my brother forwards them to me.

  8. Elizabeth, If you have a particular one in mind, please let us know. I can’t deal with figuring out if someone has used photo-shop, but if it’s obviously distorted from reality, I don’t use it. Mostly because I don’t like it. A friend thought the first one looked more like a painting than real. On second look, I probably agree.

  9. I love best the flying gannet followed by the flying owl but enjoyed seeing them all. Looking again I have some suspicions about several…but still it was a delightful trip. Thank you for collecting and sharing, Dusky.

  10. A wondrous beauty that helps us remember the Beauty that is.
    Thank you, dear heart!. You could call them photos and paintings so as to cover that you are displaying both. I consider the photoshopped ones an artistic production not a simulation. And quite beautiful in their own right.

  11. Dusky–An antidote to today’s onslaught of unbeautiful news! I wish the nation could be reminded by the beauty you share that the world is an astonishment of glory. You do a great service to the soul.

    Love, love, love!

  12. These pic’s of birds is the most beautiful I have ever experienced. My sweetheart and I enjoyed so much.

    Thanks to friend artists for sharing. be

  13. Smiling at the beauty, and also the fun we all get seeing what you create for us — thank you!

  14. Beautiful photography of wonderful birds, thank you for the time you spend putting these presentations together.

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