Don’t miss the fascinating video at the end of elephants at the Mfuwe Lodge in Zambia.

Ooops, these species are mixed up.

Ooops, these species are mixed up.

mixed via johnmixed species via john 3 (3)mixed species, via jill 2animals, mixed species boatimage008image009image010image011mixed sp 3mixed sp via jen h.2

 Infant black rhino. Armed soldiers guard every black rhino to protect them from poachers. The animals see the soldiers as members of their families.

Infant black rhino. Armed soldiers guard every black rhino to protect them from poachers. The animals see the soldiers as members of their families.

mixed species 2 (2)mixed species 3 (2)mixed species 3mixed species 4 and credite fun picsmixed species 5mixed species 14 (2)mixed species 10mixed species 9mixed species 14mixed species 17

by Gabriel Catalin

by Gabriel Catalin

mixed species 15 mixed species, 7aa mixed 4 aa, mixed 2 aa mixed 5

mixed species 16

aa, mixed

From Lawrence at Kootenay

mixed sp via jen h.mixed species testmixed species via john (2)mixed species via john 3 (2)mixed species via John 3mixed species ginnny 2mixed species via john 2mixed species via Johnmixed species via Mer mixed species via n.g. and John, yellow jellies, see word mixed species via Sam maybemixed species via sam mixed species, 3, jill mixed species, 3 mixed species, 6mixed species, 16 mixed species, by Ben Terode mixed species, chamel and butterflymixed sp via jill mixed species, gif, parrot and atm mixed species, john mixed species, Mer mixed species via george (2) mixed species via jillmixed species, 7 (2)mixed species, 13 mixed species, ginnymixed species, jill 5 mixedc species, cat and moose

The director of the Belgrade Zoo tries to convince Sammy the chimpanzee to return home after he escaped, 1988.

The director of the Belgrade Zoo tries to convince Sammy the chimpanzee to return home after he escaped, 1988.

mixed species via george mixed species, via Michael O'Dea, then he plays with kids and runs around.

I'm not sure if these are the same species or not.

I’m not sure if these are the same species or not.

Police dogs in line for lunch.

Police dogs in line for lunch.

animals, nat'l geog image004mixed species gif, ginny

[embedplusvideo height=”584″ width=”584″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=oDJEOzV6H7M&width=584&height=584&start=20&stop=180&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep9211″ /]


In case you’re new to this site and want to see many more examples of unusual or amusing animal species combinations, go here.

Thanks to:   John, Jill, Jen C., Jen H., Merry, Ginny, Anita, George, Michael O’D, Sam an Funpic


19 thoughts on “Mixed Species, 11

  1. These photos are extraordinary and wonderful to behold. I love to show these to my grandchildren to show them that animals can have such a simple affinity for others in their world. I wish that the human species could be so caring with their own kind.

  2. I love these photos! However, there is one that bothers me. it is the one with the cougar on the edge of a cliff and cougar hounds appearing
    to be on the attack. Hope I’m wrong. Distressing.

  3. `Such a treat to get this email. Animals are so sweet. Thanks for all your efforts.

  4. The best photos ever! A keen photographer to capture the
    animals in such humorous way. Thank you for the laughs!!!

  5. Minunate.
    Bine ar fi daca toti oamenii ar invata ca se poate trai si cu vecinul in bune conditii.

  6. You never disappoint, but capture the beauty of God’s creations
    so very perfectly so that we can enjoy your work with you and I am always richly blessed. THANKYOU

  7. Prachtige beelden van hoe het straks op de nieuwe aarde zal zijn. Daarmee bedoel ik dat mens en dier in totale harmonie zullen samenleven. Ja veel beelden hebben me doen schaterlachen.
    En opeens zie ik dat contrast met de huidige samenleving wereldwijd. We kunnen het zo goed met elkaar hebben wanneer we het karakter van Jezus zouden bestuderen in de Bijbel en daar naar zouden leven. Geen moord en doodslag, geen oorlogen, geen geweld, geen verkrachting, geen haat maar slechts liefde. Geen alcohol, drugs en verslaving meer, maar de Boom des Levens met Zijn alle maanden nieuwe vruchten. Geen verdriet en geen tranen en alles in harmonie met onze Schepper van hemel en aarde Jezus Christus. laten we er nu al mee beginnen door al Zijn Tien Geboden na te leven en de Bijbel als ons handboek te nemen om ons voor te bereiden op wat spoedig staat te gebeuren wanneer Jezus zijn gelovigen komt ophalen samen met de in Hem gestorvenen, die Hij heeft opgewekt uit de dood. Laat u inspireren door al die mooie dierenfoto’s waarop de dieren al in harmonie met elkaar en de mens leven. Ik wens u allen succes daarin en Gods rijke zegen. Hartelijk dank alle fotograven die hieraan hebben meegewerkt. Geweldig Geweldig!!

  8. Oh, Dusky, you bring such joy to my heart! Especially with pics like these…Once again, well done! Don’t stop doing this, please…L

  9. Bu dostluklar ,savaş ve geçimsizliklerle benliklerini yitirmiş insanlara örnek olsa keşke.

  10. You have such a rich and blessed life. Thank you for sharing. Your gift and talent mean so much to us. It makes our life richer and more full-filling. Provides more of an understanding of life on the planet. Please keep giving.

  11. How wonderful and unique! Loved the footage! I was on a work mission trip to Kenya in 2010 and after the work, went on a 3 day photo safari in the Masai Mara which I shall treasure forever!! Thank you for your wonderful Dusky site – really enjoy all the postings!

  12. What a thrill it must be to experience these wonderful photos. Thanks for sharing.

  13. I too was distressed of the cougar/dog photo, very distressed. And some of them made me wonder “are these tame animals laying next to the photographer?” But all in all they are simply awesome!

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