13 thoughts on “The Architecture of Spiritual Spaces

  1. “The Architecture of Spiritual Spaces”
    they are always awe inspiring, have grandeur of scale ,great artistic treasures, once inside serenity makes you feel at peace with oneself.

    Most common feature of these structures is something that points towards heaven ( unknown) by means of a cross, a shikhara, spires!
    But they are great examples of human creativity, salute to the architects, artisans who conceived, and constructed them.

  2. This is a truly amazing collection. Some I recognize from my travels and feel very privileged to have seen them.

  3. Amazing! really enjoyed seeing each one. Grateful that one of my friends forwarded this to me. Each of us is a child of God. As Jesus Christ said, in my Father’s house there are many mansions. These spiritual spaces reveal the character of many religions. We worth seeing!

  4. Let’s all remember that ” my religion” is not the only “right belief”. To believe is peaceful!, it maters not what I believe. Vivian Kunkel

  5. In wood and stone, God’s presence is revealed
    When we worship, beauty and grandeur is our reward.
    The loveliest temple, the human form, houses the soul,

  6. These pictures are wonderful and I am surprised that some of these countries still have these churches still standing after the fighting that has gone on in some of these areas.

  7. Wow these are just amazing ..I now feel I must see Russia
    So beautiful and the colors are just breath taking Thank you.

  8. All very beautiful. Check out cathedral in Reykjavik, Iceland. Just as impressive with a Lego model of the church inside.

  9. Catholic church from 12th century, Serbia is not Catholic, but Orthodox Church. It was named by the people because of the Catholic merchants from Dubrovnik, which was used it in the 16th century on their journeys.

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