Trees are the oldest and the largest living things on earth.  Some are weird, some extraordinary, some gorgeous, and some shaped by the human hand to fascinate and amuse. Please enjoy these  images–or better yet, take a walk in the woods and greet them in person with appreciation.


As Patricia Hays suggested in the comments below, if you’re inclined, you can listen to Paul Robeson sing about trees while you meander through this post.  Thanks to Tom Reiter for forwarding the link.

 2000 years old tree in South Africa known as tree of life (Baobab)

2000 years old tree in South Africa known as tree of life (Baobab)

The oldest tree on earth, great basin bristle cone pine, Oldest trees, over 5000 years old, in California

The oldest tree on earth, great basin bristle cone pine, Oldest trees, over 5000 years old, in California


General Sherman tree, Sequoia Redwood, the largest living single-stem tree and largest living organism on earth in California

General Sherman tree, Sequoia Redwood, the largest living single-stem tree and largest living organism on earth in California

trees, 5 (2)

trees, 10

nature, tree from bricks


Costa Rica

Costa Rica

ng, 1trees, 17trees, 19


 Jabuticaba, a Brazilian grape tree The fruit grows directly from the trunk and branches of the tree.

Jabuticaba, a Brazilian grape tree The fruit grows directly from the trunk and branches of the tree.

trees, 20


trees, 21trees, 4trees, 12trees, 14Adaptive roots in concrete jungle, c.e.trees, baobob and kidstrees, 23trees, unusual, funzug, 2trees, unusual, funzug

Coconut trees , Lombok, Bali, Indonesia

Coconut trees , Lombok, Bali, Indonesia

trees,17trees, unusualtrees, unusual, 3trees, sycamore

Banyan tree

Banyan tree


Toborochi tree

Toborochi tree

by Hengki Koentjoro via pinterest

by Hengki Koentjoro via pinterest

 Mossy Roots, Sintra, Portugal

Mossy Roots, Sintra, Portugal


 Boabab, Also known as the tree of life

Boabab, Also known as the tree of life




trees, aspenstreet art, 17

Cannonball tree, by Douglas Peebles Photography, Alamy, fruit grows directly on the trunk

Cannonball tree, by Douglas Peebles Photography, Alamy, fruit grows directly on the trunk

nature, green tree

Jennifer Long, Janus Photo Arts on Flickr

Jennifer Long, Janus Photo Arts on Flickr

Olive tree

Olive tree


Madagascar's ancient forest of baobab trees

Madagascar’s ancient forest of baobab trees

Spanish moss

Spanish moss

trees, 9 wows, gary

trees, 3


trees, 22

Jason Hehir photography

Jason Hehir photography

trees, 8trees, 9 wows via gary wtrees, 9 (2)trees, 9 wows 2trees, 9 wows, 3trees, 9 wows, 5trees, 9, 6trees, 9 wowstrees, 9 wows, 4

By Patrick Dougherty, made from willows

By Patrick Dougherty, made from willows

trees, pat dougherty, 2 trees, Patrick Dougherty’s Mind-Blowing Nest Houses Made of Living Treestrees, pooktre 2trees, pooktre, 3trees, pooktre, 4trees, 9trees, carvingstrees, 15trees, 16trees, Angkor-Wattrees, baugaarten, dk

Moss on oak trees

Moss on oak trees

trees, whiteThanks to:  9Wows, and Dean.


Tule tree, S. Mexico

Tule tree, S. Mexico

This post is a group effort.  Here’s a lovely tree poem/prayer that has been going around the internet with these images.  Thanks to George for forwarding it to me:

An Ancient Prayer of the Woods

I am the heat of your hearth on the cold winter nights,
the friendly shade screening you from the summer sun,
and my fruits are refreshing

droughts quenching your thirst as you journey on.

I am the beam that holds your house,
the board of your table,
the bed on which you lie,
and the timber that builds your boat.
I am the handle of your hoe,
the door of your homestead,
the wood of your cradle,
and the shell of your coffin.
I am the bread of kindness and the flower of beauty.

‘Ye who pass by, listen to my prayer: Harm me not.’

(A prayer used in Portuguese forest preservation for more than 1,000 years)

605 thoughts on “Trees

  1. I taught American and English literature for almost 30 years in Illinois and in Texas. Joyce Kilmer, an American male, did write “Trees”, and I was able to include this wonderful poem in our poetry study… even with the mention of God and people praying to Him. I taught from the mid-sixties to the mid-nineties, fortunately during years when we could still allow literature with references to God to be read. We weren’t indoctrinating our students…just introducing them to some of the best literature of our past. “Trees” is the perfect poem to use as a background for these marvelous photos!

  2. it florished my day to find this mail with the asthonishing tree pictures on my pc. this morning after receiving some sad news to which I have to respond .It balanced my sunken spirit with gratitude to the wonder of nature.

  3. If only they could talk and tell us what they’ve seen in their many years

  4. Wonderful – your need to see the large CASHEW tree in the would
    called cajueiro, it is locate in the City of Natal- RN. Brazil.

  5. Absolutely fantastic. There is also the angel oak tree James Island, S.C. right out of Charleston. It is a live oak that covers a huge area.

  6. Astounding, unusual, impressive and sometimes beautiful as well. Also a significant ingredient in any world geography book

  7. I love trees, have planted many and cared for them.
    Would like to see name of reach you show and where they
    are from, approx age helpful. Thanks, phil

  8. There is nothing quite like a tree!!!!!!!!!!! They are so magnificent
    and beautiful. I have traveled all over the world and have been
    amazed by trees everywhere. some are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Give God all the credit. The Master scientist and Creator. Mr. Intelligent Designer and Creator!!!

  10. Pingback: Trees | Duskys Wonders | Lincoln 55+ Seniors Paper

  11. These are grand, but where are the tallest trees–our CA coastal redwoods? National Geographic thinks they are worthy of articles, photos, and a feature video!

  12. Tree’s , the oldest living things! Amazing tree’s and beautiful

  13. Thanks to all who put this incredible collection together. In my seven decades, I have been fortunate to visit about 130 countries, including many of the sights included in this collection, and after all the traveling, exploring, climbing, diving, photographing and painting, all of it can be summarized in my total agreement with Joyce Kilmer. And thank you, Patricia, wherever you are.

  14. these are wonders of the world and man comes along and chops them down sickening isn’t it?

  15. Some beautiful, some grotesque, all fascinating.
    thanks for collecting and sharing.

  16. Gee, Rose T. try not to be so negative. Great efforts to preserve our wonderful trees have been made and continue to be made all over the world. For those of us not rich enough, or healthy enough to travel to exotic locales to see them, we can be thankful for talented photographers who bring them to us.

  17. WOW, Some of these trees should be included in the “Wonders of thes world” Just Awsome!

  18. such a lucky people can move around the world & click such marvelous pictures! Thanks for sharing! wonderful!

  19. I am speechless! Wish I knew the names and origins of all of
    them. Have been to the Muir Woods and other places which have awesome trees, but these are beyond understanding. Only God
    could create these masterpieces of nature!

  20. This is a very nice presentation of some of the worlds most amazing trees. They evoke emotion spiritually, and deeply engrained in my heart. I love these trees! They make me feel alive!
    Like looking at god!!!!

  21. Absolutely amazing, beautiful and astonishing!!! There were many trees and locations not named. Otherwise, thank you – I love nature !!!

  22. Thank you for such bliss!!! Joyce Kilmer’s poem, Paul Robeson’s voice and extraordinary examples of God’s unlimited miracles of nature, what could be better?

  23. Thank you so much for such beautiful photographs! I put some up on facebook and liked your page, these need to go around the world :))

  24. I always loved to look at trees, but this trees are amazing!
    Looking at these trees makes me feel like I was in all these places where I will most likely never be!

  25. We all knew that only GOD could make a tree, but I didn’t know that he made so many. Just a reminder of how great our GOD is.

  26. GOD’S Awesome creation, jaw dropping for sure, love it so much. Thank you to all who put their energy to get to these to the viewing public. Incredibly beautiful.

  27. God’s creation in all its splendor! Thank you for bringing it
    to us to appreciate and enjoy!

  28. Why can’t this be in our own communities. FANTASTIC and so important to our survival.

  29. The arch tree, the four-stem tree, the tree with the circular loops and probably the square knot tree are some of the “circus trees” at Gilroy Gardens in California; they’re sycamore trees that were cultivated starting in the 1920s and they’re the survivors of a grafting experiment that took multiple trees and put them together in interesting shapes. The surviving trees are on at least their THIRD location, which means they’ve been successfully transplanted at least twice. The location has several other trees in fun shapes, such as the “basketrees” that are interwoven.

  30. This reminds me of a poem we learned as kids in school:

    Joyce Kilmer. 1886–1918

    119. Trees

    I THINK that I shall never see
    A poem lovely as a tree.

    A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed
    Against the sweet earth’s flowing breast;

    A tree that looks at God all day, 5
    And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

    A tree that may in summer wear
    A nest of robins in her hair;

    Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
    Who intimately lives with rain. 10

    Poems are made by fools like me,
    But only God can make a tree.

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