O.K. My feelings won’t be hurt if you don’t like parts or even all of this post. I admit, some of the chameleons are right on the edge of being creepy, but to me the amazing intricacy of their coloring is worth the slight cringe. Same with the praying mantis. Let me know. Be honest. 🙂

This frog, along with others, might be cute or pretty, but they are also poisonous.

This one is found in Panama.

Marañón Poison Frog

Pastel Purple Frog

Tiny Vietnamese mossy frog.

poison dart frogs

Another poison dart, image by MatthewKritzer. I guess not too poisonous.

More poison dart by yakovlev.alexey on flickr

Amazon Milk Frog by Adrien Sifre.
Maybe in addition to cute or pretty, we should add a category of weird.

Asian Leaf Frog by Gail Melville Shumway Photography

Painted Belly Monkey Frog

by pbertner on Flickr

Smallest frog, the Golden Frog

chameleon baby

Red-headed Agama

Indian flower mantis

When they feel threatened, praying mantises strike this post. Image by Hasan Baglar

Spiny Flower Mantis

orchid mantis

By Mehmet Karaca via Solent News & Photo Agency

By Glen Hush via National Geographic

Devil’d Flower Mantis, by Igor Siwanowicz

photo by mehmet karaca

mantis and baby by Mehmet Karaca

via Telegraph website in UK

Poodle caterpillar, by Arthur Anker on Flickr. I know this doesn’t really belong in this post, but it and its name are too cute to resist.
For a post on animal camouflage go here.
For another post on bugs go here.
Thanks to pinterest, and National Geographic
Another month, another smile. Thanks Dusky. These are incredible.
What a wonderful world.
Wonderfull pictures and “bichos”
God was certainly feeling frisky the day He created these guys! The mossy frog is really creepy, but green frog draped over the limb looking exhausted — BFF
I so look forward to these little oasis’s of peace that you share with all of us. God Bless you.
I loved them, my grandson, who loves rocks and frogs, lizards and all those creatures that creep in the night, had this to say. AWESOME !!!!!!!!wants to see more.
Wonderful, all!
You just keep amazing us. This has been one of my favorites. I love the 2nd picture of the little blue frog. Thanks!!!
You were right , just a little weird ~~~~ Thank You. ;))
Just fantastic!Great photography!
Thank you.All your stuff is great and a lot of people get to see it
They’re all beautiful! Some of the frogs are so very tiny! It’s amazing that they have survived for as long as they have. Thank you for another great post!
As always, your selection of photographs is amazingly fascinating. Even though these little critters are somewhat strange and startling to look at, their Creator has made them exquisitely beautiful and detailed. Thank you for this awesome show.
Those are magnificent photos. The diversity of creatures. I’ll never get to go where these animals and insects live so this is wonderful, thanks.
I think they must have inspired many an artist – Jaba the Hut has nothing on these. Beautiful all.
the bright green frogs with the red feet and eyes have always been my favorite but now I have new favorites
How wonderful I look forward to all of these great emails
thank you they bring me so much joy ..Awesome !!!!
… The colours on these … creatures!
Unbelievable, but true!
The Satanic Leaf Tailed Gecko is very ugly, though.
It scares me…
But these ‘bugs’, Dusky, will not keep me awake tonight! Ha!Ha!
Ah, Dusky! You’ve done it again! Another wonder-full photo set of nature’s amazing beauty and variety…No fear of bothering anyone…these are just too cute and interesting to be weird…well, maybe just a little!
In ancient East India, they speak of the Devas, the spirits of the animals and plants who oversee their creation and design…and boy, it seems like they overdid themselves in these guys…but it is almost unbelievable that there wasn’t a really talented Designer for each and every one of these amazing beings…
Truly weird and wonderful stuff. Frog 3 reminds me of Rygel from Farscape. And is that a happy face on the Indian Flower Mantis?
WOW! I didn’t find any one of these creatures creepy or . . .
only remarkable, beautiful and oh, so creative in color, shape and form.
Thanks again for sharing this wealth of wonder.
FABULOUS!!! Amazing, Amazing stuff…thank you so much! <3
I Love Frogs. !!!
only God and/or child could draw and color something
so wonderous
Fabulous. The creator’s creativity @ it’s best. What a festival of colors! The tiniest also has not been spared, God’s way man can not duplicate.Fantastic photographs. Thanks.
Thank you for these beautiful pictures. The world is full of wonders and you cover a big selection of them. I really look forward to receiving them and taking a leisurely at them. Keep them coming……
I love them all. THank you Dusky. Your site is a Font of inspiration.
There is so much beauty in the world, so much imagination in the creation of these creatures. Each life precious and unique. A feasting for the eyes, an enrapturement for the spirit, a gratitude spilling over from the heart. Gracias por todos.
Weird and Wonderful! Thank you so much!
Olağanüstü.Yaratanın gücü karşısında bir kez daha sevgi ve saygıyla eğilmekteyim.
Appropriate to my Facebook face
As always Loved it
Your gifts of these pictures are very precious to me and by the looks of your posts, a lot of people agree with me. Many Thanks, Maggie
Oh, Dusky, what a present. How beautiful! The only “creepy” thing is for me why the creator spent so much more phantasy and love in creating all his wonderful creatures than in creating my appearance!!
my comment is meant as a joke: I am a beautiful 76 years old lady, but I just cannot display these colours, shapes and patterns…
Absolutely amazing, thoroughly enjoyed.
hermosa fotos, gracias a los fotógrafos por su paciencia para captar estas imágenes. tengo entendido que los batracios son venenosos cuanto más colores tengan….pero son preciosos.
Dusky’s Wonders is a wonder in itself. Always fascinating and beautiful. I always look forward to new postings and share them with the family. Keep up the good work and THANKS!
I’m assuming you are kidding. Without knowing you, I know you are a miracle and wonder–as we all are.
You’ve done it again! Exquisite images, fantastic photos. Infinite variety. Thank you so much for your marvelous Wonders. Is there any way to compile them for filing and ready inspiration?
Dusky, you have done it again, the frogs were quite interesting, but I had no idea that there were so many varities of the praying mantis.
Again thank you, can’t wait until next month.
#5, Kermit bis still with us, sadly, looks like he has had one happy nite or a bad one, hi hi, Thomas.
These natural wonders turn a ho-hum day into an om…day.
Thank you. How nicely said. 🙂
Thank you, Dusky for the pleasure that those photos gave me. I hope they will awaken interest in Nature in some of the people who also enjoyed them.
Judith Wertheimer
Thank you Dusky for another wonderful post! I love all these critters, such amazing and beautiful designs of nature.
Wonderful stuff.
Some of it is so incredible that one does wonder if some haven’t had a bit of help from Photoshop.
Anyway, great work. How do you get access to so many really rare critters? You must travel the rainforests of the world.
I don’t think so Rod. If you notice, this whole site is filled with amazing animals and products of nature that I know are true. I’m sure some thing are indeed photoshopped, but we don’t need photoshop to come up with incredible and stunning wonders.
You’ve done it again Dusky. My love for nature, critters, and everything else in the cosmos (including the cosmos) is exceeded only by your passion for the same. The images of the mantises inspires me to add one more sculpture to my bucket list. This guy is going to be 18″ tall , equipped with a proximity sensor, and mounted vertically on a wall. When a visitor approaches, his head will turn, and one arm will strike out towards him/her. This should trigger some involuntary responses. It’s really fun being a retired engineer with a twisted mind..
That would be so cool, Murray. You’ll have to send me a video when it’s done. I’m so glad to share enthusiasm for the wonders of the universe with you and others.