Again, the artistic quality of the image is what drew me to these animal pics.  Here’s a quick link if you want to see my original exquisite animal images.  And thank to Pixdaus which provided most of these.

By Allan Wallberg

The Sardine Run by Alexander Safonov

by Miguel Angel de Arriba Cuadrado

By Sam Lim

By Brad Wilson

bird tornado by Nuray Gonulalan

Wall-to-wall reindeer by Mik-Mak

By Sam Ho

Shepherd riding camel in Mongolia by Amy Para.

By greg mclemore

Combat by Bonali Giuseppe

By Sam Lim

Akuna Matata by Alex Tish

4 thoughts on “More Exquisite Animal Images

  1. These latest photos are, like all the others, just so amazing and lovely. Thanks, Dusky, for this wonderful website.

  2. Beautiful and extraordinary examples of nature (that we take for granted)…thanks, Dusky, for sharing these.

  3. These are really beautiful, I want them all as screen savers on my work computer. Absolutely awe-some-more!!!

  4. great photographs. Each one of them is fantastick. If we do not take care to preseve them, our children will only get to see them on

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